[center][h1]Ithesa[/h1][/center] [i][b]'My poor sweet kite, are you really leaving me so soon? I thought you would stay with me and learn as my apprentice. What made you change your mind?"[/b]Her mothers words were amplified by some form of magic, so although they were right next to each other, Ithesa could feel the words ringing in her ears. "Mother I hate it when you do that. You know I'll be late if you keep stalling, are you trying to get me expelled the first day of school?" Ithesa furiously fidgeted, and when she saw the glint in her mother's eyes she knew she was right. [b]"I only want my beautiful baby girl to stay with me for another day, or week."[/b] Ithesa groaned and shook her head, her mother got the picture, but before she was sent off through the sand portal her mother had to scrutinize her. [b]"Do you really insist on wearing that mortal clothing? Wings of light look so good on you, and yet you refuse to use them. Have I ever been wrong about your fashion choices?"[/b] Ithesa turned away from her mother and crossed her arms. "Mom, I can dress myself. And besides, those wings are your thing." Before she went through the portal, the last thing she heard was her mother tsking.'[/i] Ithesa stepped through the portal and wiped off a few bits of sand that were stuck to her. She was wearing a soft red shirt, and some cut off shorts. She looked like a normal teenager, and she was heavily satisfied. Her bags were carried by invisible servants, and she knew they would take them to the right place, so she went to their first class instead. It was in the auditorium, and she felt confident that no magic had been done to change we garb, so she casually slid through the door so she could head to the back row. As soon as she stepped inside though, the magic occurred. She knew that in that moment, she looked like the spitting image of her mother. In a flash of light her outfit changed, along with her makeup and her hair. Her rainbow hair was placed in a queenly headpiece, and done up in intricate braids that had beading throughout them. Her clothes changed into those of an ancient Egyptian princess, with a creamy white flowing dress that had orange accents throughout. Her eyes were lined heavily with kohl, and her lips and cheeks were rouged. The worst of all though, had to be her wings. They were giant, flowing wings of rainbow light. They were transparent, but bursting with color, and they shimmered like water when they moved. Covering her face would've made it worse, so she held the wings to her side. She cursed her mother in Egyptian, and she could almost her the chuckling response in her head. So, with her posture perfectly poised, she walked behind her peers, and hoped the wouldn't notice the light coming from behind them.