[hider=Stadak] [b]Name[/b]: Stadak [b]Species[/b]: Zabrak [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 32 cycles old [b]Rank[/b]: Jedi Knight [b]Lightsaber Forms[/b]: Form II ([url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Form_II/Legends]Makashi[/url]), form III ([url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Form_III:_Soresu]Soresu[/url]) and form VI ([url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Form_VI:_Niman]Niman[/url]) [b]Equipment[/b]: [img]https://torcommunity.com/db/icons/449607876_2692943024.jpg[/img] Green Lightsaber (Ruusan Crystal, reclaimed from the ruins a Russan Reclamation battlefield) [img]http://swtorfiles.jedipedia.net/icons/56-2-1/ipp.class.jco.graytrash.cdps1.t1x2.wrists.png[/img][b][url=https://torcommunity.com/database/item/sSH73K6/layered+wristbands/]Layered Wristbands[/url][/b] [b]Appearance[/b]: Like most Zabrak, Stadak doesn't grow hair but does have a healthy crop of horns around the base of his skull. As well as horns, he has a series of facial tattoos that mark him as one who passed the traditional trials of passage and has been marked as an adult. His skin under the tattoos is a pearly pink colour but has a thick, coarse texture, useful for resisting the harsh winds of his home planet. Stadak prefers to wear jedi robes when around the Enclave on Dantooine or the Temple on Coruscant but clothes himself in battle armour when off planet. As a jedi Guardian, he feels that others should see him as a force to be reckoned with and therefore think twice before resorting to violence. To this end, he carries himself with certainty and force, heavy shoulder and thick arms suggesting the capacity to end fights quickly, if not the wish to start them. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i7J6qfd.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Personality[/b]: Ever since childhood, Stadak has been a completive sort, more interested in learning how things work than in using them. His training ha helped him master himself and taught him enormous control but he still desires to understand all things and people around him. He is prepared to talk for hours about the most uninteresting subjects for hours on end or study obscure historical events for days, simply to understand them. It is unsurprising, therefore, that he approaches life with a vast array of knowledge at his disposal. He is fond of citing historical events that parallel to current ones or comparing sentient social interactions to the feeding patterns of alien beasts. Similarly, he takes every mission as an opportunity to learn more and expand his horizons. As a Jedi, the root of his power comes from his intense self-discipline. He endeavours to control himself on all levels, both for his own safety and for his own betterment. As a Jedi Knight, he serves as a Guardian, reasoning that his abilities give him a moral obligation to protect those who are less able to protect themselves than he is. A side benefit of this is that his missions often take him far and wide, to new planets and unseen stars. Just the way he likes it. [b]Biography[/b]: While undergoing his Jedi training, Stadak carefully studied the teachings on the three columns of the Jedi order; knowledge, self-discipline, and the Force. When he asked his master which was the most important, his mentor told him that they were all equal and that a true Jedi strives to master all of them together. And as much as he respected his masters lessons, Stadak saw things differently. To him, it seemed that self-discipline was the most important of the three. After all, without discipline, what use are knowledge and the force without the control to use them for right? Stadak's belief in self-discipline proved to be the driving force of his advancement for the rest of his career until now. He strove to master every aspect of himself, keeping his emotions and actions tightly under his own control. This greatly helped him to master the different techniques and lightsaber forms but, strangely, did little to advance his use of the force. While he is extremely skilled with multiple forms, he is unable to push his use of the force past the more simple applications; telekinesis, mild telepathy and so on. The more subtle and powerful abilities (force healing, stasis fields and the ability to wipe memories) completely elude him. To counter this, he has developed his own special use of the force. Working off the basis of force jumps allowing a Jedi to push their body harder than normally possible and thus jump farther, Stadak practises a form of martial arts that uses the force in the same way for strikes with hand and foot. A properly timed punch, assisted with the force, can crack rocks and bend metal without damaging the strikers hand. As a Jedi, Stadak never intends to use this technique to deliberately harm another living being. It is useful when fighting against droids or enemies in armour though. Recently, Stadak has attempted to further his training and betterment by accepting a Padawan, a idealistic youth named Taiko Tachibana. At the moment, their relationship is familiar to most Jedi; the Padawan is always respectful to their master but feels that they should do more and act more strongly. Equally, the master thinks the Padawan should think more often before acting and consider the wider ramifications of their actions. [b]Other[/b]: None, yet. [/hider] [hider=Bleevleec Rissonx] [b]Name[/b]: Bleevleec Rissonx [b]Species[/b]: Rodian [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 15 cycles old [b]Rank[/b]: Padawan [b]Lightsaber Forms[/b]: Form I ([url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Form_I:_Shii-Cho]Shii-Cho[/url]) [b]Equipment[/b]: Purple Lightsaber [b]Appearance[/b]: It's hard for most species to tell when Rodians are smiling but Bleev is pretty much always smiling. His manner is generally bouncy and cheerful, full of life and energy. Or, if he's just received a remonstration for some mishap or another, extremely sulky. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BBBkT1v.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Personality[/b]: Energetic and eager would be a generous way to describe Blevleec. Impatient and immature would be a less kind way. As a padawan, he desperately wants to do good, help people and use his connection to the force for the betterment of the republic. The difficulty is that he's not interested in waiting until he's a fully fledged Jedi knight before doing so. Bleev (as his friends call him) can hardly contain his own enthusiasm when inside the calming aura of the Jedi temple, let alone when accompanying his master out into the wider galaxy. While his desire to help people is commendable, he lacks the patience to meditate, train in the subtle uses of the force or to work through the various forms of lightsaber combat. Despite, or perhaps because of, his impatience, Bleevleec has many friends among the other Padawans at the temple. He responds with energy and enthusiasm to any suggestion for an activity that they might throw out, making him easy to entertain at the very least. [b]Biography[/b]: Having spent his entire life in the temple on Coruscant, every trip outside into the wider universe is a thrill for Bleevlec. Interacting with the city’s many traders, criminals and general riff raff is the highlight of his monthly routine, Padawans only rarely being allowed to leave the temple. His capacity for for using the force and inherent desire to do the right thing caused him to be advanced through the stages of initiate quicker than was perhaps totally wise. Many on the council believe he will need to remain a Padawan for some to temper his eagerness with restraint and meditative calmness. He is apprenticed to the Jedi Knight Hirani Doneeta, a logical and considerate Twi'Lek. [b]Other[/b]: None, yet. 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