[quote=@Section] Believe it or not, I was actually considering an APC as well, I'm still in a dilemma about it, because a tank might actually be more fun in how impractical its. Like, people would need to sit on top (a Soviet T-72, as I was considering, only has a crew of three maximum), along with supplies, any loot, making choosing what and who to take a big dilemma. Plus, I feel it's a very romantic idea, people sitting on top of a tank, rumbling through the overgrown cities of this setting. On the other hand, APC's are much more practical for the reasons you mentioned and, for civilian characters, a lot easier to maintain (wheeled ones are closer to cars), plus there's still the possibility of people sitting on top, just not as romantic as a tank to me. But the claustrophobia idea is definitely an interesting one. The dilemma comes down to it being practical or impractical. Impractical could be a lot of fun to write, with all the challenges of it, but practical is, well, more practical and maybe realistic. [/quote] Good points. Plus a tank overall is more recognizable and easier to envision. You say "tank" and it's like "oh, okay. Big, clunky, menacing, easy to ID at a distance." Everyone else will know a tank when they see one. And less space means more collaboration between survivors. Thing is, too much party conflict means you'll be RPing a group, not a person. That's way, way more work. We'll need to know why people are fighting. Personality? History? Phobias? It'll be even worse if/when another RPer meets you, because they may not get along with you, but they might with someone else. Oops, they need a description/picture, name, age, personality, set of skills, etc. The tank idea is great, but I think you're going to need to collaborate with someone else here. You need at least a crew of four to operate a tank: driver, commander, gunner, and loader. (three if the tank has an auto-loader, but those are pretty modern). But you could have someone to be the loader and gunner because you won't be firing frequently, and they could scramble between positions (or ride on top until needed). Heck, make the driver an NPC. It's extremely boring: you sit there and just do what the commander says to do. The driver is often also mechanic, so he could just keep an eye on the tank all the time. Basically, I suggest using a tank and collaborating with someone. You need three characters, with the driver as an NPC taking orders from the commander. I'm interested. I can RP two people, and they'll be the gunner and loader, since you'd probably like to be Commander.