[color=fff200][color=f7941d][h2][u][b]Character sheet Skeleton[/b][/u][/h2][/color][/color] [b]Name:[/b] [i][Where you were and what happened around when things began to fall - IE a short paragraph describing the occurrences around your character when the world fell to 'chaos'.][/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] (fears, likes and aspirations - then everything psychological in between) [b]Description:[/b] (appearance, distinctive visuals, physical traits or mannerisms - once again, everything physical and visual in between IE phenotype etc) [b]Possessions:[/b] Objects that serve no real purpose. [b]Equipment:[/b] Items of use and practicality. [b]Notes:[/b] The most important section. Extra info goes here, and this is where you can edit and keep an almost diary of the character as time passes throughout the RP. [hr] The difference between personality and description is important. If the character thinks or feels it, it goes in personality. If the character has a bad leg or bad eye sight, that's description. Also, possessions and equipment are different. A bottle of water, a knife and a flare will all go under equipment. They are useful and serve a purpose. However clothing, a picture of the family, an old necklace and some spare glasses - these are just possessions. Hope this helps :)