[@ZeusTheMoose] Then I will do everything I can to make this RP worth your time. Already working on Czerka Corp Products for players to purchase and Exchange Bounties to serve as optional "sidequests" for your characters to be posted to the holonet. Here's a little teaser [hider=Czerka Product Teaser] [img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/0721/f/2016/103/6/7/store___hk_27__czerka__by_rethel34-d9yu4bc.png[/img] Yes, he will call people "meatbags". HK droids aren't true HK droids if they don't.[/hider] Of course, products like full-blown droids (like the above example) would be quite expensive, but they can also be quite helpful. EDIT: And an alternative to the HK-27 product from a rival company of Czerka [hider=Juggernaut War Droid] [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/1fd7/f/2016/103/6/2/store___juggernaut__duwani__by_rethel34-d9yu82s.png[/img] Courtesy of Duwani Mechanical Products[/hider]