Name: Ezra Blackwood Nickname/Alias: Rift Age: 23 Alignment: Chaotic Evil Mutant/Human Bias: Both species are equally hated. Appearance: [img][/img] [img][/img] Personality: Cool and collective on the outside. However, his mind without his harness is so heavily fragmented, if he were to not wear it, Ezra would be classed psychotic. Back story: Ezra and his younger brother were born in the East of England where they both grew up in what seemed like a perfectly normal family environment. Both went to school, dad went to work and mum stayed home to look after the house. Things were simple. That was until The Secret Order came into play. Both boys were found to have mutant genes within their genome unlike ever recorded in the earliest years of the Order’s existence. The boys went under hundreds if not thousands of cruel experimentations, there purpose most of the time had very little coherence and were mostly done because they could be done. The youngest brother, Michael was killed during these experiments, well physically anyway. But the brother’s mutant powers had allowed him to be able to ‘transfer’ his mind over to Ezra, whose shattered mind barley even remembered who he was, let alone his brother. After years of development, and the destruction of five Order facilities. A harness was created that could contain Ezra’s temporal rift abilities and allow his mind to piece itself back together. But the harness also forced him to do the Order’s bidding. Ability: Temporal Rift: Ezra has the ability to defy the laws of physics and bend them to his will. However, he does so by the energy he collects from killing anything with natural energy, such as humans, or better yet, mutants. This energy is stored within him, the more energy he has consumed, the greater the effect range, magnitude and duration. Equipment: The GX-114 Harness. Two wrist mounted blades. G9 Supressed Pistol.