Forty seven years is quite a long time to spend largely locked in a single cell. She'd mellowed out and even started to show signs of losing touch with reality. Old age made Edith a sweet old woman, even if no one wanted to be around her. A lifetime of solitary confinement was her sentencing. Probably the only reason she wasn't executed was because she was caught on Mars. Someone must have wanted to keep her around, maybe to use as a bargaining chip with Earth in the future. One day looked like another by now. With people's lifespans increased she was probably looking at another thirty years trapped in a box. Someone would come by to check on her, then wander off. Not like anything interesting ever happened. At least not until her powers struck. It wasn't a spectacular occurrence in and of itself. One night Edith went to bed feeling unusually dizzy. Her dreams were all jumbled up, like she was reliving the past. Her biological clock slowed, stopped, and then began to move rapidly in reverse. In a matter of hours she went from an 87 year old woman, to a young 17 year old girl. And she may have continued regressing in age had not she been woken by the alarms sounding. A guard had come by on his rounds and found the girl in Edith's cell. Hitting the alarm he opened the cell as other guards hurried to assist. Woken from her slumber and dazed by being snatched up the guards took her to be interrogated. As far as anyone there was concerned, Edith had somehow escaped and had put this girl in her cell. Of course Edith was just as confused and initially answered their questions out of confusion. [b]"Who are you?"[/b] they would ask over and over. [color=khaki]"I'm Edith Rendel you idiot!"[/color] No one believed her, hell she barely believed it, but getting asked a hundred times was frustrating. However prints, retinal scan, and a blood test soon confirmed her identity. To say that everyone in the prison facility was surprised would be an understatement. At first there was a lot of discussion about what to do with her. Tests clearly were in the wings and Edith did not look forward to that at all. But something must have developed because after the first couple weeks everything went quiet. She was placed in her cell and on one came to check on her save for some of the VIs that passed by periodically. Edith's best guess was that she was in quarantine. The quiet did give her the opportunity to discover more of her power though. As best she could tell she could speed up and slow down time. Some experimentation revealed that it was only within a small area. Trying her limits resulted in passing out on more than one occasion. Being a teen again Edith was quickly reminded of how much more energy one would have. Before the change being in the cell was no big deal anymore. Now it just made her antsy. Exercise and reading became common time wasters just to keep herself occupied. And just when she was beginning to think that these walls would be all her life would be the lock on the door clanked as the rods retracted. For several minutes she sat on her bunk waiting for someone to enter. She learned a long time ago that when the door unlocked you step back and take a seat. Far too many times she didn't doo that and regretted it. But no one came. It was very odd and finally curiosity got the better of her. Cautiously she opened the door and glanced inside. Nothing was around, not even the sound of a VI stomping around. What the hell was going on? Stepping out she began to explore. She knew a decent amount of the facility and remembered the main places to avoid. Thing was that if this was some kind of rescue then they'd left her on her own. Making her was to a console she tried to find a way to open some vents to get out. She could see them on the map but they were all shut too much for her to slip through.