[quote=@Rain] I offer myself as a firearms subject matter expert! Ask me Anything! [/quote] Assuming you were in a world where you could be confronted by superhumans (unnatural durability, faster than any human, deadly at close range etc) what weapon would you consider the most versatile and therefore the most useful in a variety of situations? I know with all weapons it's rarely one size fits all so to speak, but as you rarely have the opportunity to know what you're up against is there one weapon that serves better than any other for facing superhumans? I don't know all that much about guns, not that it matters that much as I figure the thing you really need an intrinsic knowledge of firearms for is 1. Hitting things/Marksmanship (and everyone cheats and fires accurately anyway) 2. Maintenance (which doesn't really matter in Arena, unless someone wanted to bring in an unreliable gun, which literally no one other than me ever does.) Just to give my view on it, I would probably consider the assault rifle the most versatile anti-superhuman weapon, semi-auto and full-automatic fire modes (whatever the technical term for this is, I do not know) being preferable. With a pistol as a side-arm I suppose, as it's light and useful in a pinch.