Pelican 1-9Fox was en route to the Ballast AO where Fireteam Quantum was hold up. Their call for civilian evac was answered with force as they carried a support asset, S-099, better known as Ty Winston. He belonged to the Fireteam Support Division, a cell dedicated to aiding the other teams. Commander Palmer sounded serious when she hinted that he might take up a more permanent position on the team which gave him the motivation to give his all. [color=f7941d]"Time to drop?"[/color] he asked over the comm, "2 minutes." a short and sweet reply from the pilot. The last transmission they received indicated that the AO was hot but this pilot was an ace and had decided long ago, they were landing. Once in range, Ty was able to tap the frequency of Quantum's comms. [color=f7941d]"This is Sierra Zero Nine Nine with your civilian evac. Do you have a clear LZ?"[/color] he said into the helmet as he stood up and moved to the back of the Pelican in preparation to dismount and potentially clear the area.