Bernard couldn't help but smile at her description of the man-operated building-sized coffee maker. But... he had to agree with her. They were all valid points, and he didn't exactly want to spend that extra half hour in the United Supermarkets looking for the right K-cups. Or buy a new machine. [color=burlywood]"I think I'll take your word for it, Evie. I guess you'll see me around here more often, then."[/color] Pulling out his phone, Bernard checked the time. [color=burlywood]"Alllrighty, then. We've been here for... I dunno. Half an hour? Ain't got a clue. Time flies or stills for me when I'm not paying attention. But now I know what time [i]to[/i] show up. Who knows, you might need help with another article."[/color] He gave her a grin, and then asked, [color=burlywood]"If you wouldn't mind the company, of course. "Free pastries are part of the package?"[/color]