She dipped her head to the large man, the grin ever still plastered on her face. Finally someone with charm and wit, enough to even rival her own. Nothing much was gained or lost on either side, and she was thankful for that, especially where her own life was concerned. [color=darkseagreen]"If what you say is true, then I've no doubt someone will come this way soon enough."[/color] She rose from her chair and started towards the window. [color=darkseagreen]"Your company was certainly a pleasure, and I suppose I am indebted to you for sparing my life"[/color] She smirked, glancing back at him one more time before shoving the long, luxurious red curtains to the side, exposing her way out of the cottage. Her palm spread wide, she reached a hand towards the window, the fibers of the protection spells sparked as her flesh pressed up against the glass. There would be no way out through here. [color=darkseagreen]"Dammit"[/color] She smoothed her hand over the wall, sifting through thoughts, trying to discern another way out. She paused a moment, hearing voices in the hallway, just beyond the door. Just then there was a loud knock, Isabeau whipped around with wide eyes, staring deep into fates plan. She giggled softly. [color=darkseagreen]"Now either the gods despise me, or they are trying to help me along. I wonder who that could be."[/color] There was no time for a plan to work, they knew someone was in the room. [color=darkseagreen]"I am sorry my dear, but you'll have to play along in order for this to work."[/color] She swiftly walked towards him, pulling her dagger from her boot once more. [@Zero Hex]