[quote=@ZB1996] [@Shorticus] Nice characters. It gave me an idea of what Zaqir will be up to. There's definitely a lot of intrigue going on among the warleaders. Considering its a stratocracy, it wouldn't be impossible for Tana to be involved as well. Ambul thinks that Ashkar are natural allies, which is both an odd way of thinking a very Saurian thought. I have to wonder if these sentiments are public, that way the Ashkarian government could support him. The one I am afraid of, however, is Yzzy, who may force me to go the way of the Songhai Empire. [/quote] You're getting the right idea as to what's going on. So, Ambul isn't your typical saurian. He's Jandoo. Jandoo don't think like normal saurians; they're aggressive, but they have a different culture, and their brains don't tell them to "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" needlessly. Instead, their brains tell them to fight so as to survive. There is exactly one nation out there with a fleet that could threaten Zaqir, and that is Ashkar. Therefore, Ambul figures "Hey, if they were on OUR side, we'd have exactly one place where we could be attacked from, and it'd be easy to defend ourselves." And then Zaqir could go raiding and invading at its discretion. (Also remember that Zaqir has never felt poorly of Ashkar anyway. Indeed, since the Ashkari did some raiding of their own, they're practically kin. Just... kin who try to murder each other, if that makes sense. But it's socially acceptable murder.) As for how public Ambul's opinions are: Ambul and the other two main party leaders are going to be as public as the plot demands. I.E. if it makes the story move better for Ambul to be very open and public with those thoughts, then he's very open and public. If it doesn't add to the story, he's quiet about it. I leave that up to you, ZB.