[@Draconequis] [color=limegreen] The geodude staggered a bit in the air after the brutal combo of vine whips; he wasn't about to let his opponent get the best of him. This was its mindset before a flash had emanated from the fields of grass. It caught the rock pokemon off guard and it then suffered a fatal headbutt. The geodude tried picking itself up in the air, but its body was too heavy. Collapsing onto the floor, it retreated back into its pokeball. "What?! How dare you!?" The criminal clenched his teeth and formed a fist on both hands. He was not thrilled one of his pokemon had fainted. Looking to his houndour, he could see it was still conscious, but the attack had done a number on him. The houndour barely survived the fairy-type attack. "You'll pay for that! Houndour, give it all you got! Foul Play!" The houndour straightened its back and growled at the ghost pokemon. Leaping side to side, it charged forward and readied its strike. Its plan was to direct the strength of its opponent right back to its target. The higher the target's attack, the greater the damage. [/color] [color=deepskyblue] Oddish was airborne and landed at Edward's feet. The trainer was uncertain of how to battle with this mankey. His pokemon was timid and this monkey-pokemon was determined to fight. The best strategy Edward could think of was to keep at arms away from the fighting-type. "Oddish, hit him with poison powder!" It might have been from the attack, or that it was a ranged attack, but there was a confidence boost in the Oddish. A slight of hesitation was present; however, the oddish succeeded in sporing out purple rain. The mankey had unfortunately breathed in the spores and began coughing roughly. It began turning a sickening purple. [/color]