[B]Act (a) - They Fucking Brought It[/B] [right][u][i]Customers sighted.[/i][/u][/right] The crowd, despite having retreated a fair distance from the assembled legion of machines, were still cautiously milling about, a dull murmur passing through them as they tried to make sense of the situation unfolding before them. The warning from both Katsu and Daisuke had instilled a greater wariness towards the robots, but in the wake of this tragic accident and the eerie, incomprehensible aftermath, it wasn't a surprise for them to stick around. They, like the teenagers who had taken charge in approaching the scene of the accident, were too seeking answers to the question of: "what the hell just happened?" [right][u][i]Distance to destination: approximately three metres.[/i][/u][/right] Golden optics blinked. All a hundred and twenty-eight of them. In complete unison. It was an eerie sight to behold for the assembled group, the preternatural atmosphere of their situation only growing as the lead unit, the one closest to the three teenagers, mechanically turned to follow Daisuke's movements. The swinging of the pole had done its job in catching its attention, the rapid shifts in the air successfully detected by whatever served as the delivery drone's sensors. It wheeled forth. The rest of its compatriots followed. Smoke continued to rise from the crashed delivery truck. It was dense, slowly moving, hissing black into the calm air. Orange crackled along the wreck, the flames yet to subside. The blood of the driver stained the cratered wall. It had long stopped trickling away, coagulating into a sickly, dark red puddle. [right][u][i]Delivery successful![/i][/u][/right] Something shook from behind the sixty-four machines. It was the truck. It shook once. It shook twice. Discontented grumbling passed through the crowd. What was it that was happening? The lead robot emitted a piercing whine, and the edges of its top began to glow a frighteningly blue. Somebody in the crowd gasped. The top rose upwards. Slowly. Surely. With a sense of purpose. Its golden optics flickered again. Its opening reached the maximum possible height. A scent of melted cheese drifted through the air. Mozzarella cheese. Real mozzarella. The good stuff. Not that [i]fior di latte[/i] shit. ... ... ... Something blurred through the air, whizzing past Daisuke's face. A second later, the overpowering scent of dairy products was combined with that of blood. If the teenagers looked behind them, they would see that one of the members of the crowd, a salaryman in a nicely-pressed suit, was staring at his right arm. No. Not his right arm. The stump of his right arm. Blood and pepperoni was splattered all over him. It wasn't a nice suit anymore. Cheese dripped from torn flesh and muscle. Everything below the elbow was gone. It had flown further back into the crowd, slapping a housewife carrying groceries in the face. With a dead, lifeless hand. A hand that smelled of pizza. Silence. Complete and utter silence. <<[url=https://youtu.be/rb0nxQyv7RU?t=172][b]I T 'S S O E X C I T I N G T O B E H E R E[/b][/url]>> vocalised the lead robot in a mechanical, emotionless tone, its hatch still hissing after propelling the pepperoni pizza (5184kJ) at such incredible force into the assembled humans. Somebody took an audible step back. One. Two. The screaming began. A shockwave of gold burst from the truck, engulfing the closest figures, the hapless teenagers, in its path. And through the fog of energy, the robots began their advance. [right][u][i]THE WORLD'S FIRST AUTONOMOUS PIZZA DELIVERY VEHICLE.[/i][/u][/right]