[@Dblade26] Gilgamesh Sinn is accepted and fits a Lex Luthor type mold I can get into. Bonus points for adding another industrial character. I almost wanna see this guy make superhero enemies then run for mayor. EDIT: [quote=@Weird Tales] [@The Kid Lantern] I created a type of monster for Gauntlet to fight. I call them Hush Puppies, they are the spawns of extra-dimensional demons and they get the name 'Hush' from making everywhere they attack go eerily silent. They feed off of insanity, fear and flesh. [hider=Hush Puppy][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/4/42/The_Black_Dog.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140418213619[/img][/hider] [/quote] I like the idea, just don't call them hush puppies. Hellhounds, Demon Dogs, anything but Hush Puppies. ~KL~