Harmonia was only two minutes into Moonlit Sonata, her fingers moving in time with the music streaming into her ears through her headphones. She sat cross-legged, eyes closed on her bed with her arms raised ever so slightly so that her hands floated over the invisible piano she was playing. Like this, it was so easy for her to pretend she was actually playing. She could almost feel the cool keys under the tips of her fingers. It helped calmed her nerves that had gone out of control after the heated conversation she'd just had with her mother. A trivial matter that caused her enough stress to resort to blocking out everything around her and just listen to the sound of the piano in her ears. She felt a deep connection with Beethoven, for more reasons than just the fact her middle name was his first. The way he was able to convey such emotion through music... it was something Harmonia was still trying to achieve with her own music. Though that was why she came to attend Celestine Academy; to become one with her music and be able to connect with people through it. Being the shy girl she was, there was little other way she knew how. She grew up only knowing the company of chords and crescendos, though she wouldn't change a thing, even if she could. Though perhaps she would change the pair of ignorant musicians she was born to. Her hands halted in midair at the thought and she cursed aloud. For a moment she was still, trying to sync her hands with the music, but she was unable to get her mind back on track. Cursing again, she pulled her earbuds from her ears and tossed them and her phone aside. She looked around her at the empty room and remembered she was supposed to be getting a roommate some time the next day. It was exciting and also nerve wracking as she wasn't really... comfortable around other people. Noticing she had still some pizza on the bedside table, she reached over and grabbed a slice, taking a large bite of it. It was at that time she heard a knock at her door and she looked towards it, wondering what someone needed from her at this time of night. "Juss a mimmit!" she mumbled, mouth full of pizza as she slid out of bed and shuffled towards the door, forgetting she was wearing only a large t-shirt and her underwear. When she reached the door, she opened it fully before seeing who it was, surprising herself as she did. She wasn't expecting what she saw, and so she stood there in a shock silence for a moment, wide eyed and mouth full. "Yew nee sumfin?" she asked as she started chewing again, the initial shock of seeing the blue alien woman wearing off a bit.