[hider=Captain Genome][list][*]Archetype: Super Soldier [*]Name: Rosalin Wells (Subject-10032) [*]Alias: Captain Genome [*]Age: 21 [*]Powers: Captain Genome possesses what many would consider to be the "standard superhero package"; she is endowed with superstrength, the ability to fly, and nigh-invulnerability. Her strength is great enough for her to toss cars about without much effort, and her top flight speed manages to break the sound barrier (although she [i]does[/i] need a bit of time and space to accelerate enough to reach this level; regular flight speed for her is usually much lower). Regular mundane blades can't seem to penetrate her skin, nor can most guns; higher yield firearms [i]can[/i] knock the wind out of her, though, and she's proven to be somewhat susceptible to high levels of blunt trauma. In addition to the "standard" powers, she also generates a bioelectric field (which some theorize is the true source of her other powers); whilst she can't do anything like project bolts of lightning she [i]can[/i] electrify her body to empower her blows, most notably using it as an improvised taser to stun and pacify criminals. The bioelectric field makes her rather resistant to electrical attacks, and it requires a substantially high voltage for her to be affected by such things. [*]Weaknesses: Captain Genome's powers don't work on rubber for some reason (although many would point to the theory about all her powers being an extension of her bioelectric field). Her punches seem to lose the strength behind them when she punches something made of rubber, and if encased in it she loses the ability to use any of her powers. In addition, whatever alien species she's been spliced with apparently thrived in warm conditions and hated the cold, and so sub-zero temperatures will cause her powers to gradually weaken. Notably, for all her durability Captain Genome still needs to breathe, and thus whilst it's difficult to strangle her she can still be drowned or choke on poison gas or other such things; surviving in the conditions like the vacuum of space is right out. [*]Alignment: Staunchly heroic. Killing is only an absolute last resort, and even then doing so would weigh heavily on her conscious. [*]Personality: Idealistic, optimistic, hotblooded, compassionate, nerdy. [*]Appearance: [url=http://moerin-satsuki.deviantart.com/art/Captain-Genome-601195431]Out of costume on the left and in costume on the right.[/url] [*][hider=BRIEF Bio]The girl who would become known to the world as Captain Genome was born in a lab, as part of a secret government initiative to create a new breed of soldier by combining the genetic codes of both humans and an extraterrestrial being who crashlanded in New Mexico in the 40's. Unfortunately, this initiative was hit by a few snags along the way, not least of all the fact that it took them almost five decades of research to get the splicing process to work properly and produce a viable hybrid. For the first five years of her life she was known only by the number 10032 and treated as little more than a lab animal, as she wasn't expected to survive for long before her body began rejecting her alien half. Unfortunately, around the time they started to realize that she was actually a success, the government decided to finally axe the project and told them to destroy all their research to keep it out of the hands of terrorists, supervillains and journalists. ...So this is ending up longer than you probably wanted so let's just go into cliff notes here: scientist tasked with terminating her couldn't go through with it, adopted her and raised her with his wife, raised to believe in truth, justice, sanctity of life and all that goodness, became a superhero when her powers [i]really[/i] started to kick in during her late-teens.[/hider] [*]Storylines: [list][*]Rosaline's "father" wasn't the only member of the initiative who didn't follow orders to dispose of their work. Some might even have started to realize that Rosaline is in fact the supersoldier they spent so long working on, and might went to take her back for testing... [*]Wait, doesn't half of her genetic code come from an alien race? What if they've developed an interest in Earth? [*]Is Rosaline truly the only product of the initiative that worked out? Have some of its former members decided to pick up where they left off?[/list] [*]Notes: Rosalin is more powerful than either of her parent species due to hybrid vigour. She's also sterile, and can't have children even if she wants to. Main influences: a variety of "Captain" superheroes, the Weapon-X program, the Radio Noise Sisters, Superboy.[/list][/hider] [hider=Otiga (Venusians)]The Otiga are an alien race hailing from Okanim, the planet we call Venus. In terms of appearance, they are superficially similar to humans, having the same basic build and average size. Their eyes lack pupils and are a bright (almost glowing) yellow, and their hair is pure white and generally sticks up in stiff spikes. Their skintone is a dark grey, they have only four digits on both their hands and feet, and their ears look somewhat fin-like. An Otiga's body generates a bioelectric field, which boosts their physical strength above the human average and allows them to hover for short periods, and due to living so close to the sun they are adapted to warmer climates and can withstand higher amounts of solar radiation than creatures of Earth can. A scientifically inclined race, the Otiga utilize their bioelectric fields to power their technology, which is far more advanced than what humans are currently capable of using. Otiga scientists and inventors don't take credit for their individual achievements, for they all believe that each new discovery is a blessing from their god, the Machine Mother, who is enshrined in the center of the grand senate of Okanim. Millenia ago, the Otiga had an alliance with their closest spacefaring neighbours, the inhabitants of the planet humans would later name "Mars". Historical records of that time are fragmented, but what is known is that something called "The Great Betrayal" happened and the two planets were drawn into war with each other. Eventually, the Otiga won, but at a cost; their numbers had been crippled by the war, and so they had to spend thousands of years repopulating and repairing even as the people of Earth progressed and developed outside of their watchful eye. Eventually, during the early 20th century (by Earth's reckoning), they decided to scout out the blue planet, sending a manned probe... Which due to complications unfortunately crash landed nearby Roswell, New Mexico, killing the pilot instantly. In a panic, the operation was aborted whilst the Otiga tried to figure out what they could do next; the war had led them to be cautious of aliens, and so they didn't want to directly approach Earth until they understood whether they were potential allies or an enemy that needed to be crushed before they grew into too much of a threat. And whilst they discussed and debated what to do, a clandestine human organization salvaged the crashed spacecraft... Okanim (or Venus) has since been equipped with an elaborate planetary defence system to prevent the humans from getting too close, one that makes their probes send back false data on the atmosphere of the planet which makes it seem like a desolate, hellish world unsuitable for life. To keep up this masquerade, any probes that get too close are destroyed by the defence system, with the intention being that this will make the humans think that the "inhospitable climate" was the cause of the destruction. Meanwhile, they still secretly keep tabs on Earth, as the senate continues to debate whether or not they are trustworthy...[/hider] [hider=The Initiative]Originally a clandestine department of the US government, the Initiative was founded during World War II in an effort to create the perfect soldier with which to fight the Axis forces with, and once the Cold War set in they were determined to stay one step ahead from the Soviets. Initially, their experiments mostly involved relatively sane if somewhat experimental science, but everything changed in 1947, when a vessel of extraterrestrial origin crashlanded nearby Roswell, New Mexico. What remained of the wreckage (including the deceased pilot) was salvaged and taken into the custody of the Initiative, who immediately began experimenting on the alien technology and the corpse within. Ever since then, they quickly descended into mad science and ethically questionable experiments, to the point that by the 90's they were shut down; the government have proceeded to disavow any knowledge that the Initiative ever existed. Despite this, many members of the Initiative disregarded orders and instead began working even more secretively than before, all for various reasons. Some were too deeply engrossed in their research to stop, some felt that superhumans were a growing threat and they needed weapons to use against them, but whatever the reasons they had they reformed not long after the official disbandment. Currently, they operate in a secret underground facility near New Athens. Whilst the most well known product of the Initiative's research was Project Genome, developed by their genetics department, they didn't solely focus on genetic engineering. The Initiative was (and still is, to a lesser degree) split into several departments including the aforementioned genetics department, but also a robotics and cybernetics department, a pharmaceutical department, a department researching various forms of radiation, and the bloody, grisly mutant research department (whom even the other departments believe go too far in their research). The robotics and cybernetics department have occassionally leaked some of their research, and many a robot or cyborg hero includes part of their research in their designs. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical department was working on a drug that temporarily grants superpowers to the user, but not only did this get (unintentionally) leaked but the formula was degraded and modified to use easier to acquire ingredients. This led to the emergence of the street drug known as [i]"Psycho"[/i]; rare and expensive, immensely addictive and with horriffic withdrawal symptoms, but still popular with those who can acquire it due to the fact that it does allow them to develop superpowers for a short time.[/hider]