[center][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/windy%20resize.gif[/img] [color=yellowgreen][h3]Suriel[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]:[/i] Leaving Edgetoun Memorial Hospital, heading to Churchhill Gardens, Apt 2A [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: Alison [@Write] and mentions of Barachiel [@Skelace][/i][/center] [color=tomato]”Morning.”[/color] the nurse said quietly in greeting. It was now well into the afternoon, but Suriel wasn’t about to correct her. Instead, the angel turned to smile in return. Seeing that Alison was in nothing but her unmentionables, Suriel quickly looked back into their locker. It was too late though, their mind went [i]there[/i]. The sharp pain in between their shoulder blades functioned like a warning bell. This sin would darken yet another feather… how much longer could this doctor remain white? [color=tomato]”Hope your shift went well, I’m running late though so we’ll catch up soon, yeah?”[/color] Alison said, sounding much closer now than she was before. Suriel turned and prayed, [i]actually prayed[/i], that she would be wearing scrubs this time. She was. So, God was still listening; That’s a good sign. [color=yellowgreen]”It did! Thank you for the well wishes, I hope your shift is much of the same.”[/color] Suriel said with a beaming, warm smile before closing the locker and heading for the exit. The news reports weren’t lying, it was a tundra outside. Suriel buried their chin into their neck in an attempt to duck away from the blustering winds. Otherwise perfectly styled platinum strands of hair were sent into utter disarray upon leaving the hospital. It didn’t help that their hair was getting longer and would need a cut soon. Suriel took the tube home after a painful wait in the cold. Doctor or not, they didn’t have much money for a car or the like. Being a resident hardly paid well, and what excess the angel did have, they gave away to charity. It was better this way, to live simply, it functioned as a means to keep focused on the end goal. The apartment was dark and quiet upon their arrival. Barachiel, or Barry, as Suriel sometimes called them, must be out at the moment. Setting their keys on the counter, Suriel decided they would enjoy the peaceful solitude with a hot cup of tea and whatever makeshift meal they could put together quickly. [hr] [center][img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/d134f46020ef9deb4c931af92c56ad6a/tumblr_inline_nga2bvwHKR1qgp297.gif[/img] [color=black][h3]Loki[/h3][/color] [i][u]Location[/u]: Early Bean[/i] [i][u]Interacting With[/u]: Present in the same place as Barachiel [@Skelace] Talia [@13Nightingale] and Claire [@shagranoz][/i][/center] Once the faerie and his rather [i]distracting[/i] scent took their leave, Loki staked a claim at one of the only free spaces left in the cafe. He took the cap off of the cup of tea after setting it down on the table and steam billowed off of the liquid’s surface. Hopefully it would be safe to drink sometime this century, that seemed doubtful, though. Loki sat his leather messenger bag on the table next and then took a seat. He opened the bag and retrieved a shiny black laptop. Loki took to people watching briefly while the machine booted up, which didn’t take all that long. He wouldn’t head into the lab today, but he could still get a decent amount of research done right here in the Early Bean. Wifi, what a glorious invention! The hangover headache still pounded in the vampire’s ears, but the show must go on, as they say. If there was ever a person who epitomized the “work hard, play hard” motto, it was Loki Van Stenberg. He pinched the bridge of his nose as his eyes swept across the computer screen. Minutes, maybe even hours, had passed by as he scanned countless articles, studies, and publications. Loki took to studiously writing down notes about the findings and test methods used in the most interesting reports. His head swam with ideas on how to change his own procedures… the RNA modification was simply [i]not[/i] going the way he intended it too. Loki let out a deep exhale and rubbed the stubble that had already started to form on his chin since shaving this morning. There was no use reading the same paragraph for a third time, so he went back to people watching. With his elbows propped on the table and his hands folded together just under his chin, Loki played a little game of ‘guess the supernatural’ for each person in the cafe. That is when the idea struck him, and what a glorious idea it was! A wide smirk spread across the vampires lips. With Loki, it was always closed mouth smiles and deviously charming smirks, toothy smiles were reserved for those that knew he was a vampire. You can never be too careful, racist bastards are everywhere, and Loki preferred not to deal with them publically. That could get… messy. Nevertheless, creepy smirk and all, Loki unfolded his hands and retrieved his mobile - this one being his [i]actual[/i] mobile, not a burner phone for the business. He dialed a number and the recipient picked up after the first ring. [color=black]”Charles! Call in the full crew to ensure that the estate is in top notch condition for this weekend. I had the most grand idea and I know, I knoowwww it’s short notice, but just trust me, this is going to be fan-tas-tic!”[/color] Loki emphasized each syllable into the receiver with signature dramatic flair.