As the door practically exploded outwards, the mage quickly took a few steps back. To be hit by a mere door would not hurt the false structure of his golem, but he did it on reflex. He took a good look at his enemy. 'Young' was a word that could describe the appearance, though the mage knew full well that was a false assumption – a false overlay, like that of a witch. A fair fight would likely be taxing, and he could not rely on the house's size to count in his favor, particularly after the door. He opted to remove most of his cloaking on the spot, a move that would undoubtedly leave a strong imprint that could be detected by any magic user paying attention – but it would spare him resources to settle the matter quickly. "So you are the corrupted one. I will end this quickly." True to his word, he brought out the talisman and mentally activated it, focusing it in the direction of the mage to channel a thought-spell designed to neutralize her powers and with any luck put her unconscious. A potent talisman indeed, though he did rely on not being interrupted by a counterattack or a demonstration of agility by the sage to escape the worst of the effects. The spell would have the side effect of filling the entire area around him with invisible crackling energy that to any magic user would shine as a beacon of power. Again, something which he hoped to avoid the side effects of and finish the engagement quickly. He hoped the spikes in magic use he detected in the house along with considerable noise would be shielding enough for him to go undetected, though he rather doubted that.