[center][img]http://puu.sh/ohv9A/b13fbf4ee7.png [/img] [sub]I'm gonna bring a [i]tiny[/i] army of three Each of us is a noble warrior here to serve and protect the peace, with our [i]lives.[/i][/sub][/center] [hr][hr] The tiny puff of flame stirred in Izuki’s palm, slowly pushing himself up with a shudder. With his eyes half opened, still drooped from the lulls of unconsciousness he looked around to see the ring of curious faces around him. Oh thank goodness, they were all alive. The mess he’d dragged them into hadn’t killed them or hurt them too badly. But as he looked around, he didn’t see any signs of a struggle either. Everything was normal – no tears or burns or… [color=DeepSkyBlue]“He’s… he’s gone isn’t he?”[/color] His heart sunk, because he just knew. And he couldn’t blame any of them or asked them to do any differently. Because even if it was his best friend, the only person he had ever known, he still would have killed all of them. But why? Why did it have to happen? Lava bubbled up at the corners of his eyes and this time, it was too much to pull back into his body. So he jumped from the strong girl’s hands, careful to stay far enough away from the very combustible forest of limbs around him. After a minute or two he managed to gather himself enough to the point where he could speak again. It was so, so hard to keep the tears in, but he had to bring something up before someone else got hurt from all of this. Maybe they wouldn’t want to help him and- well, it wasn’t fine. If he had to go to that place all by himself then he would. But he knew he wasn’t strong and that whoever that person who got dragged was counting on him – so he had to try. Even if trying hurt so, so much right now. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“I’m- really sorry you all got dragged into this,”[/color] he said, pawing at his eyes before looking up at all of them.[color=DeepSkyBlue]“But… someone else got pulled into where I’m from and- I think they’re in really, really big trouble.”[/color] He swallowed, desperately hoping that someone would offer up their palm. It was so hard to stay afloat. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“I understand if you guys don’t want to help but... I don’t think I can get them out by myself! I’ve never been able to go in too far because it’s so dangerous. There are all sorts of monsters and, I... think they might be what’s causing some of this. I know that Bear- my friend, didn’t start acting like that until they started acting out.”[/color] Would they hear his plea? Only time would tell. [center][hr][hr] [sub]You know I'm not exactly looking to fight... But when it's time and the need arises [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3qFkuYOMjM]Just watch me go![/url] [/sub][/center]