Well, this isn't as bad as I was expecting reading over it, and I suppose how reading the profile can make it look a lot scarier than I intended it to be, so I'll just address the concerns head on. [hider=Here we go!] Gateway. [indent] I think it's pretty obvious by now that Resolution is a low-rent Ghost Rider ripoff, so this ability was intended to be listed as the source of his power(s) and little more. Resolution cannot summon hell itself through the Gateway, as its sole purpose is for sending the wicked straight to their final destination. The Gateway only functions as a portal straight to hell for those Resolution personally kills and consumes. The big problem I now have here is that the only way Resolution functions at all is by way of the connection to Hell lending its energy to the Gateway to keep him alive, which is going to have some very interesting ramifications for him somehow still existing here if that connection is severed. Could be fun to mess with. [/indent] Hellectricity. [indent] Theoretically, Resolution can heal from any injury using this, with the caveat that he is literally rebuilding his body as he does so. As such, while he can summon the hellectricity from within his body, to repair himself he uses it to break down biological material from outside his person and reintegrate it into his body to affect the repairs. He therefore needs time, and outside resources to consume to do so. If he's stuck somewhere with nothing to break down, and/or he is not afforded time by his opponent, he will not be able to fix himself and will have to continue on through his injuries until he either wins and escapes to make repairs, or is destroyed/removed from the battlefield and forced to use his back-up program (if that's not also destroyed).[/indent] Sin. [indent] Fair enough, I'm shit at describing magic and spells and while I was at one point working on finishing a list of spells and the like based on the various circles of hell and their punishments, I never did get around to it. I can leave this one by the way side until I dig up my old notes and finish up.[/indent] Continuance. [indent] Again, Resolution is basically Ghost Rider, so I operated with Ghost Rider's specific limitations in mind (Reso was also built for a Marvel setting, where something as relatively mundane as Adamantium is considered indestructible), so I forgive for the copy-paste work which has bitten me in the backside a bit. Resolution can be damaged by blades and bullets, as noted, and can be smashed to pieces with heavy impacts, but as his power is directly linked to the Gateway, such injuries don't do much towards actually stopping him, just slowing him down; of course until he's actually physically destroyed, at which point, as I listed, while he's still not dead, he won't be bothering anyone for a while. Should've noted that attacking/destroying the Gateway is the only way to finish him for good.[/indent] Conversion. [indent] The Conversion basically takes a weapon and converts it to work in conjunction with Reso's other abilities. The weapon becomes tougher, harder to destroy, and like the Hard Drive, he can either replace it or re-summon it once it's damaged. I actually had a few weapons I meant to list here but I forgot to paste them in and decided not to add 'em until after you'd had a look. Now that you have, here are some examples! [/indent] [b]Hellwire:[/b] As his weapon of choice Resolution wields a retractable whip fashioned from length of power cable and fitted with a weighted hook, stowed at his hip when not in use. In action, the wire is capable of extending to untold lengths, and its movements can be controlled through Resolution's will alone, making it incredibly dangerous in his hands. Furthermore, Resolution can channel his hell voltage into the weapon in the form of a high-voltage attack, the whip acting much like a gigantic, flexible cattle-prod in usage. If knocked from his hand, Resolution can summon it back to him, and if broken, the wire can be reassembled by willpower alone. [b]M-666 "Compiler" Assault Rifle:[/b] Stored in a compartment on the Hard Drive when not in use, the Compiler is a recent upgrade, a high-powered military rifle acquired and baptized in hellfire by Resolution's own hand to suit his needs. Resolution's M-666 possesses limitless ammunition, capable of unleashing upwards of 700 rounds per minute, though the rounds the Compiler unleashes aren't bullets, but bolts of pure hellfire. In Resolution's hands the Compiler can be set to fire either hellfire or hellectricity by way of the pump-action, though in either firing mode the result is the same: total obliteration of any demons or sinners caught within the line of fire. Much like the Hellwire or Resolution's own flames, the Compiler scorches and burns the wicked, though with far more speed and at far greater range than Resolution can usually manage. [IMG]http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd153/BlackMagicDisco/Shards/bfg1.jpg[/IMG] Consolidation. [indent] Was only going to be used on dead opponents: as such, I don't expect this to ever see much use anyway, can leave it. [/indent] Conveyance. [indent] Again, a bad description. Resolution can move himself at the speed of data, so 'instantaneous' is relative to broadcast distance and interference, and as I also noted, as he is not literally disappearing and reappearing elsewhere, it can be blocked. If that's still a probelm, I'm more than willing to limit this to the more limiting 'data-transfer between infected computers' version. [/indent] Hard Drive 2.0. [indent] This only was intended to allow him to get around in interstellar roleplays. Other than that the only other use I could possibly see for it would be against enemy mecha, so that's fine.[/indent] [/hider]