She sighed as she stood outside the bank. There was a huge queu as she peered through the doors, tucking her dyed white hair behind her ear as she looked over the top of her aviator sunglasses. [i]'Maybe I'll just...come back later...'[/i] She gave another sigh before she looked inside her purse which was clutched in her hands. She had enough to last her for today but she was wanting to go buy some more Special Effects make-up,she was running low, especially on the liquid latex. [i]'Well, I'll just get it tomorrow...'[/i]. Aurora stood and looked down the street as she put her purse back into her bag. She tossed it over her shoulder and began walking. It was her day off today and she WAS going to shop, but she needed to draw out some money first. She didn't really believe in paying on her card for everything, she knew shed end up over buying if she did that, so if she drew it out and had it physically with her, once the purse was empty, that was it. She looked at her phone for the time only 11am and she had the rest of the day to go yet. [i]'Maybe I'll call Tara and see if she wants to hang out...better yet I'll walk over now, she should be free, she's always free'[/i]. She smiled to herself as she enjoyed the sunshine as she steadily headed in the direction of her friends house.