Jak took a deep breath. He flipped through the messages on his phone as he waited to make his move. He never enjoyed this. There was always risk. There was always a lot of variables. It was too difficult to calculate exactly what was going to happen. He didn't have a choice. This had to happen.... now. He caught a glance of a beautiful young girl with striking white hair. He quickly pulled up the pictures in his phone. Just to make sure. That was her. He got up from his park bench, pulled his hood up over his head and began walking in the direction of the bank. As he expected, things didn't go as planned. She paused, and then turned to walk up the street. He had no choice but to abandon his spot and return to his vehicle. He hurried over to his black Jeep Wrangler, and tried to pick up which direction she went. It didn't talk long to find her again thankfully, as she stood out a bit from a crowd. He raced ahead of her, and began scoping the area. There was a decent amount of houses and businesses. Plenty of people. This may not be easy. He picked a parking spot along side the road he had seen her walking down and waited, hoping she came that way.