[@Zerofighter] [@olcharlieboi] [@Marcus XVI] [@manapool1] [@Weird Tales] Gor saw himself bull rushed by the sayian girl, an act of rage, baited out by a stinging remark. He braced himself, as she slammed into him, like a raging storm against a mountain. However, he did not fall. Mizune then struck at him, punching his face. He gave little, moving slightly with each blow. However, against one particularly violent strike, his head snapped to the side, the skull he wore as a helmet cracking under her fist....and slowly, turning his head back, he pushed her fist back. "Hmph.....Are you even trying Mizune?" He asks, before laughing. She had done nothing more than damage his helmet with her blows. Again, the demon taunted her. However, he noted the frost demon's raised finger, and he suspected an incoming attack. "Time to reveal one of the moves I've learned while trapped in hell...SOLAR FLARE!" Gor screams, before a blinding flash of light exploded forth, singing the eyes of those not able to look away, causing a stinging pain. A high intensity solar flare, it very much was. When the flash died down, Gor would be standing behind the girl who had just arrived, and who was still posing. He would be looking down at her. "....Girl.....where did you learn to pose like that?" The demon asks, having dropped literally most everything else, simply to ask. He had ignored a chance to get the drop of Mizune, Dusk, Galick, and Mars, simply to ask this girl a very odd question.