The moment he made contact with the undead's hand Fafnir would shiver from how cold he felt, like a dead corpse. He'd almost burst into flames had his conscience not intervened. Fafnir would try to keep his own composure and nodded to the teacher. [color=9e0b0f]"I think I will"[/color] He said as he looked to the key, remembering the directions he'd given him. He was slightly curious about avoiding the darkness, but regardless he would head to his room. walking down the halls in the growing dusk lighting wasn't difficult for Fafnir due to his eye practically acting as a small torch or candle. Moving up the spire, he was curious of all the strangers he would meet, and that of the stranger who was to share his room, which he began to dread. The concept of sharing didn't speak well to him. Finding his room, he placed the large ancient key into the lock, opened the door, and entered his room.