A long, drawn out sigh followed by an equally drawn out, defeated "Suuuuuuuuure" escaped the blue fox girl's mouth. She summoned her spear and mustered it intensely before lying it down on the table in front of her. "Only used this one once and that was to save somebody. Back then, I also used a shield with it. Was too unweildly, though, and I wanted to use a halberd. Much more cooler, I guess, but I never got one." She laughed. "Can you imagine me with such a huge weapon?" While continuing to laugh, Sapphira stood up and started heading towards the door. "I guess, if we want to be prepared for a fight, we have some shopping to do. Want to accompany me?" Cutely she tilted her head, her innocent eyes glowing a little bit and her sincere smile seemed quite irresistible, but still, the signs that this all bothered her quite a lot were nevertheless visible.