[center][h2][b][u][color=plum]Nicolas[/color][/u][/b][/h2] It's a sad day at school when the most eventful thing that happens is a random encounter with a fellow staff member that clearly couldn't think of anything worse than to be around him, and yet that was a perfect summation of Nicolas' day. Sad. Uneventful. Boring. Students flocking to him for advice on topics he was woefully unqualified to discuss, the rest of the office staff on his case for his lengthy lunch yet again, and a meeting with Eric that left both of them exhausted. Nicolas was grateful to have the job, all things considered given his last teaching gig's rather...dramatic ending, but it was often a toll on his well being. Most of the time these kids didn't need guidance. They needed an education and a hint of common sense, which only said to Nicolas that some of the teachers were doing their students a disservice. He wouldn't name any names, of course. Not during school hours anyway. It always amazed Nico how quickly the school emptied when the final bell rang. Students took forever going from class to class and yet as soon as the day was done they were gone home in the blink of an eye. Sure, some stayed behind for clubs or activities but it was still impressive how the halls could be so still. So quiet. So...lifeless. It was actually quite nice. Nico had his attache case in hand as he left the guidance office with a bit of a spring to his step and a whistle in his head. His feet clapped down the hallway towards the exit out to the staff parking lot. And he almost made it without incident. It wasn't a scream that Nico heard but a laugh, and not a laugh of someone who had just heard a very clever, very racy joke, but the laugh of someone up to no good. He followed his ears and rounded a corner only to wish he had seen something else. Anything else. Six students doing something far, far worse than bullying to a target far, far worse than a student. It didn't look good from where he was standing, though it would never look good from any angle. [color=plum]"What's the matter, boys?"[/color] Nico announced his presence to the six with the same sort of casual smugness that made up his regular attitude. [color=plum]"The cheer-leading squad rejected the bench-warmers? That's not Mr. Walker's fault, now is it? Though I wonder what the coach would say to this? Surely he'd not want a bunch of...miscreants sullying the uniform let alone warming the bench. Or perhaps I should call the police liaison, see what the charge is for assault? You might wish you were in detention then. Two options here, boys. You step away and we call your parents like responsible people...or I get the proper authorities on the line and they call your parents. And I'm much more cordial on the phone."[/color] Nico had to restrain himself, the hand not holding his case was balled into a fist. But as much as he wanted to...he couldn't. Not again.[/center]