[@VKAllen] Yomi sign and turn to see Astra [color=ed1c24]"in this class, this is history and teacher will be here in no time"[/color] [color=f7976a]Yuuko[/color] enter the room and take a seat [color=ed1c24]"and now if you excuse me, I need to take care of business" [/color] yomi leave the room and go find Tora Higuchi [@Bryn][@Gareth] Yomi found the Tora and still with Liza she guess that they found the liberty [color=ed1c24]"Miss Higuchi I have some news from yesterday but I don't think you will like it"[/color] [@VKAllen] Yuuko sit down in her seat and look board [color=f7976a][i]ugh history this is where rin is I swear if she say something I will- [/i][/color] she stop thinking and look at Astra, she smile [color=f7976a]"hi~ are you new?~"[/color]