[h1]Astra Hedwig Lacy[/h1] [@sassy1085] The history class. Her fingers danced on air thinking about the subject and what it may involve. [i]"Not the greatest subject, but if its about combat maneuvers, I guess it works out. Good to understand the history behind things. I already know most of my styles though..."[/i] She took a seat, nowhere in particular that was significant to her, but sort of made sure that it was close enough that people were forced to sit beside her. She happily sat and waited until the teacher arrived-- she had practically nothing with her other than her sword. "Hi~ Are you new~?" The voice allured. Yet another chance for Astra! Her face quickly jeered towards the new voice. "Hi~~!" She spoke with a twang and grin. "Yes I am~~ Nice to meet you! I'm Astra! Fresh about 10 minutes ago."