Alright, finally got around to pounding this out in the last hour. Not my best work, but I am fairly happy with how it turned out. [hider= Rena Atkin] [b]Name[/b]: Rena Atkin [b]Age[/b]: 26 [hr] [hider=Appearance][img][/img] [/hider] [b]Height[/b]: 5'8" [b]Weight[/b]: 128 Lbs [hr] [b]Likes[/b]: Sleep, silence, action movies, strategy games, tabletop RPGs, rain, snow, overcast weather, economics, black liquorish, light alcohol, weekends, violins (doesn't play), and most music. [b]Dislikes[/b]: Coffee, loud people, mindless work, reality TV, larger animals, being totally drunk, sometimes her job, sour food, and indecisiveness. [b]Party Trick[/b]: Uh... is sorta good at whistling, kinda. [b]Profession[/b]: Finance Analyst, or more appropriately the "Office Fetch-girl" or "Office Coffee Slave" depending on the day. [hr] [b]Personality[/b]: From an outsider's perspective Rena definitely comes across as an irritable and impatient person, admittedly that is actually very well true, to be fair it is also a product of her job, but more on that later. If caught in a bad mood Rena is quick to snap back, and otherwise remain fairly unpleasant even going as far to ignore people, although this attitude of hers is balanced by a sense of professionalism, and more strongly a simple desire to not get fired. On the flip side when in a relaxed state, a mood which is almost exclusively reserved for home life, or honestly just not being at work, she is actually a calm individual, even friendly. Rena truly enjoys an intellectual challenge, or at the very least an opportunity to use her mind once in a while. She also has a particular interest in economics, which eventually drove her career choices... just that it didn't exactly work how she wanted. [b]Bio[/b]: Rena's early life was normal for the most part, extremely normal actually. Home life was good, both parents were together, and still are to the present day. In school she always did well, she being very so slightly faster at grasping concepts than other kids, while she wasn't a star student for sure, she did realize a general love of learning at an early age. Rena's teenage years came and went, she wasn't much of the rebellious teen, talked back to her parents some of the time, and very rarely occasionally skipped classes was about it. There was one certain incident which involved beer, spring break, and a party. Suffice to say Rena figured out where to draw the line when it comes to drinking. Of course Rena ended up going to college, she certainly had the mind to get things done. After switching around majors for a little bit she fortunately settled on a degree in business, with a minor in finance. When entering into the adult's working world, Rena quickly found out how rough job searching really was. It took quite a while, and some bleeding from her savings, but eventually she managed to find a opening position as a Junior Finance Analyst. The company she found was some sort of small time firm, no fame attached or anything, hell she hadn't even heard of the company until then. In hindsight maybe that should've been the first red flag. Almost right away she realized what work was like, useless coworkers, insane deadlines, constant yelling, you know the general things that make up crap management. Rena tried to deal with the poor work environment for about a year until essentially she gave into straight up hopelessness. Career prospects didn't look good anywhere else, and she knew she was about stuck with her job, being homeless would be much worse... so in the end she decided to simply deal with it. All things considered, however, life wasn't bad, she had a decent sized apartment, decent pay despite the odds, and she didn't have to worry about simple survival. Just her greatest regret at the time was seriously not having fulfilling work life. [hr] [hider=Theme][youtube][/youtube][/hider][/hider] Now, time for me to frantically slap together a presentation which I should've finished actual months ago, and now I need to give it tomorrow at eight in the morning. Procrastination is fun! Totally. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.