Zander shook Ethan's hand, reaffirming that he would still be apart of this group. He wasn't surprised Nymira or Ethan had heard of it. He wasn't shocked that Cecil seemed to be so out of it, and Zander wanted to offer something, but his reserves still were low. He knew better than to force magic when he was feeling this low. He was however, shocked when Amuné shouted about there being no way he was a Starsion. He looked at the younger child, held tilted to the side, as if truly seeing her for the first time. He brushed it off, unsure and unease on how the little one knew his family name. Ancestors had carved it into history books, healers and preachers. Outstanding members of the Chruch of the Saints. Regarded much as the hands of the Saints by some with how they could turn a plague into a mild cough. He blushed when he thought of it, how some of his newer family members had dragged that name downwards. Shaking his mind from such thoughts, he nodded about the weapons, already imagining different Seals needed to strengthen a new branch to be used as a tool for his defense. [i]"You're still a dumb meanie."[/i] Zander let out a snort, and a smile slipped on his face. No, he wasn't nice to any of them. He hadn't seen a need to be. Ethan was alright on the eyes, so he would follow him. The others seemed to agree in that he was their leader on this odd Pilgrimage. Shaking his had he looked up as th door opened, allowing Geoffrey back into the room. "Ma says o tell you lot," Geoffrey's voice was thick with something Zander couldn't place. "She packed you off with food, and I'm to take you to the next village. I do it all the time, so it won' look off if I'mma take you there. Show ya the way..."