[@Lord Hailstorm] [center][h2][color=007236]Mathigyle[/color][/h2][/center] First two bright orbs, and then a set of teeth. They floated in the darkness for a moment, a nearby candle only illuminating what appeared to be a faint, grey outline. Then, the rest of his ghastly form appeared before you, as if spontaneously, separate from the ghoulish maw you saw before. Were it beast or man? The undead smiled at you wolfishly, but were you sheep? His short, crooked arms managed to creak and motion side to side. It was waving at you. Unsettlingly so, but a greeting nonetheless. [color=007236]"Hm, yes, hello, late but very well."[/color] Mathigyle mumbled and tumbled through his robes, searching for something. He unveiled an usually large, rustic key: you'd believe it to be for a castle or some sort of ancient treasure gate. [color=007236]"I am to give out the men's keys. Down the left hall, three quarters of the way up the spire. I believe your roommate is in..."[/color] The lich looked about, that ghoulish smile still upon his face. [color=007236]"For now..."[/color] His gaze turned back to you. His demeanor was odd at best, and you honestly couldn't get a read for how friendly this unusual greeting was. [color=007236]"Please, do consider Alchemicals 101 as an introductory course. It, uh, will be worth your while. Hm. Yes,"[/color] Mathigyle mumbled to himself, gently placing the freezing key in your hands. Yes, hadn't it gotten suddenly more chilling in the air? Mathigyle shuffled away, his dark grey robes coalescing with the darkness. [color=007236]"Oh, and do stay away from that darkness."[/color] Mathigyle waves a withered arm behind him as it vanished before you. You were alone again, or so you believed, key in hand to do whatever you wished. Much warmer now, how nice. How comforting.