[@Zelosse] Smarter'n'me Lvl 15/Day 17/Evening [b][HP][/b][i]100%[/i][color=007236]//////////[/color][b][][/b] Smart stayed quiet until after all of the other decision makers had left before slowly gathering the unconscious bones of his friend, renting a room for the night and hauling his boney butt upstairs. Once in the room, with Dom lying on the bed and his snoring face buried in the pillow, Smart settled down in the dark room to think. He had to line up his priorities and make sure that things went well for Scarlet. He looked at the shadowy, rumbling, form of his friend. They couldn't afford to die unless it was quietly in some bed, probably with her there. But, they couldn't leave her in the shape she was in now, either. Delcastle described a group that was both fairly large for so early on and seemed to be well balanced. They even had an archer with enough skill to earn true respect from the Guild Leader. That counted for a lot. Though, the numbers problem remained an issue. Between Delcastle's guild and the two of them, there were only eight people. They would need two more just to get in. It looked like there was some information for this old lawyer to handle. Just then, he received a PM with a ping from the brat. He opened and read it with a smile. He began putting together an answering PM to Scarlet, though he hesitated partway through. He didn't want to be misunderstood... again. GLAD YOU'RE ALRIGHT. OLD GRAMPS IS STILL NAPPING BUT HE SHOULD BE UP SOON. WE'LL DECIDE WHAT TO DO ONCE WE'RE BOTH AWAKE. I BELIEVE THAT YOUR GROUP CHOSE TOO HASTILY. GOT MORE DETAILS AFTER YOU LEFT. DUNGEON ENTRY REQUIRES MINIMUM 10 PLAYERS. DELCASTLE HAS SIX, COUNTING HIMSELF, AS OF THE END OF OUR CONVERSATION. RESTORATIVE IS AN UNLIMITED TERRAIN FEATURE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE DUNGEON. DELCASTLE'S SOLE OBJECTIVE SEEMS TO BE THE RESTORATIVE AND HAS STATED THAT HE IS WILLING TO NEGOTIATE SHARES OF EVERYTHING ELSE. IF HE'S LYING, THIS OLD LAWYER CAN'T TELL. DON'T MISUNDERSTAND. STILL YOUR CHOICE. BUT INFO IS CRITICAL. HE OFFERED A PROMISE TO BRING SOME RESTORATIVE BACK, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. WITH THIS, AND THE NUMBERS REQUIREMENT TO ENTER THE DUNGEON, IT SEEMS LIKELY THAT AT LEAST ONE OF US WILL GO WITH HIM TO HEDGE OUR BETS ON THAT CURE. LOVE YOU TOO. WILL MESSAGE WHEN FINAL DECISION IS READY. [@DestinyStar] Smart looked to his left. The friend request was still there. No matter how this venture went, they would need contacts with supplies. He accepted the request and then began the tedious process of compiling a list of the supplies they would need for an extended expedition. It would be wise to prepare for at least a month away from town, just to be safe. The work rapidly consumed all of his attention. He even lost track of Dom's snoring. ------------------------ Tailpin Lvl 11/Day 17/Evening [b][HP][/b][i]100%[/i][color=007236]//////////[/color][b][][/b] Luck was a monstrous and fickle harpy born of six month old, sun ripened, chicken and visits by the in-laws. He hadn't found anything out other than confirmation of that group's existence and general creed. These "Glitch Fixers" wouldn't be so easy to fix. Tailpin was frustrated. But, more than that, he was impatient. It was very bad for him to be impatient. He couldn't afford to make any timing mistakes in a fight. He took shelter in an alley and leaned against the wall for awhile, willing himself to stillness. It was easier in real life. Or, at least that's what he told himself. His breathing slowed and steadied. His hands stopped twitching. He managed to finally settle down after a day of not knowing whose digital blood he had tracked that night. Now he had to get ready for the raid. He already had supplies for staying out of town for up to a week but he would probably want to be extra prepared. Walking to the market, he found a few vendors who hadn't shut down for the night yet, purchasing another week's supplies along with a couple useful spare items like an extra bedroll, tent and lantern. It was while he was skimming over his inventory to make sure that everything was in order that he spotted Delcastle. The guild leader seemed to be taking a moment to rest before the raid, using the quiet shade of an alley much as Tailpin had done earlier. Though he was in no mood for casual socializing, he was not rude enough to avoid his own boss. The archer began to close the distance between them but, seeing that Delcastle was deep in thought, he took pains to make his footfalls heavier and louder to announce his approach without startling the boss. As Tailpin approached within easy conversation distance he raised his hand in a wave and forced a small smile. "Hey, Delcastle. I got the message and supplies for two weeks. How are the other preparations going?"