[color=0076a3]"[i]Tch...[/i]"[/color] Ikuto deflect the bullets with Thanatos. He frowned when saw that it got a scratch. [color=0076a3]"[i]It's the first time that Thanatos got a scratch... It's a stalemate then[/i]"[/color] He said then promptly vanish, reappearing again behind the man's back. He fires an [i]Orichalcum Bullet[/i] and a [i]Burst Bullet[/i] simultaneously on the same spot on the man's shoulder making it blown up. Sprays of blood splash on him but Ikuto frown again when he saw that it's starting to regenerate and only the flesh blown up and not the bones. He only sees a slight dent on it and the man's healing factor is trying to repair the dent. Irritated, he muttered [color=0076a3]"[i]Like a damn lizard...[/i]"[/color]