[quote=@LHG100] [@The Kid Lantern] Mentioned that I was thinking Overlord would start out near JD, but if you'd like for him to 'interrupt' Shayd, sure. Just give me a go-ahead and I'll start writing. [/quote] Yeah man you can take on Shayd. Overlord is probably one of the only guys who can really take him on along with... [quote=@Rin] Oh right, giant monster-man wrecking the city seems like a job for [i][b]Captain Genome![/b][/i] I guess. Just need to get stuff figured out I guess. [/quote] Genome was one of the ones I saw in my head going after him since Cap is the super soldier of the game. I left it open ended and mentioned a few heroes had tried taking the behemoth on before he was taken down. ~KL~