Tajjus had awakened only minutes after the sun rose, his eyes now on the house which his prey took residence in. He gave a light huff, as he heard the sounds of voices. So everyone was awake. He leaned forward from his concelaled perch in the bushes, listening intently. There was lot of chatter, and an introduction. Tajjus would catch the she-elf’s name. He found it to be something as that came so easily off the tongue, something smooth and elegant that fit the elf perfectly. Tajjus sighed as he reviewed how the elf seemed to have a relationship with the dwarf. It was going to weigh on his conscience some if he had to kill her, but not enough to haunt him forever. He examined one of his poison coated knives, flipping it lightly in his hands, before sheathing it. - Kili tried hard to maintain some forms of patience as he stood where he was. Introductions and whatnot…this was taking forever. Kili gave himself the soft reminder to just remain calm, as much as he wanted to pack up and move towards their original goal: the mountains full of gold, which belonged to Thorin. The thought made Kili furrow a brow; hadn’t there been speak last night of how man was only driven by greed? Perhaps the same could be said for dwarves? No. Thorin was just seeking his heritage. And the gold did rightfully belong to the dwarves.