*Peng* was the noise coming from the long since unused building who's lights had only just come back on, the dust bunnies beaten over the head, and fresh clothes spread everywhere. Literally, the display cases, and even the celling was covered in cloth, so any prspective buyer would have to move the clothes to see any weapons on show. Currently, on the shop floor, there was nobody, nothing, and no one, because the owner of the shop was in the back, going through the large pile of loot she managed to recover from her time in the gourge. The games to play while blacksmithing where fun, and Nena realized that was one of the reasons she liked blacksmithing, along with helping people make cool gear and protecting those who needed ouch sticks to go protect others. She had slipped away from her minions after arriving in town, not really sure she was ready to deal with people, in any way. Her Minions were one thing, even if they couldn't cook and seemed very old and cranky, but actual people where far beyond her right now.