[@ClocktowerEchos] You...you don't know what foam night is? [hider=Oh my sweet baby, lemme help you!] [img]http://monsterthursdays.com/files/2015/05/foam528.jpg[/img] [img]http://gm-img.s3.amazonaws.com/2011/112011/12-11-2011/hard-rock-foam-party/Hard%20Rock%20Foam%20Party%202.jpg[/img] [img]http://bass-schuler.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/11025979_10152682525746360_6920791513637516682_o.jpg[/img] [/hider] Basically they just flood the dance floor with bubbles and foam. That's why Nori said that thing about getting wet. [s]Well, that and she's cheeky like that.[/s] And I was planning for Nori, whenever she comes back for the next timeskip, to play one of the songs you put up earlier to finish off her set. I'm not super into nightcore, so I'm gonna let you be my guide on it, Echo! ^.^