Unable to sleep, as there was a lot on my mind, My eye gave lumination to the room in the form of a red dim inferno from my its opening. By now I had tossed and turned over my own heap that my treasure was either splashed across the floor, or surrounding and burying my large and well fit body. I'd slither out of bed, grumbling as I started to collect all the pieces of gems and metals of mine that had spilled over the bed. It has been a while since I even had a proper bed. As I retrieved my fallen, precious items, I looked around the room. The furniture, beige walls, plastered in such material that while not hard, offered a truly solid and simple geometric room. There was something more pleasing in this then the castle towers and dungeons I have been in, or the caverns I have dwelled through. As I appreciated my new lair, I would count every single piece I pick up, placing them back on the bed. Finishing my collecting, id stand back up to appreciate my treasure spilled again over my bed. However a frown would creep on my face as I analyzed the heap. Centuries of counting and getting to know my collection, I immediately noticed a gem was missing. Id urgently turn and inspect the room, finding no trace of it. Desperation filled me, with a snap of my fingers my armor, laid about on the floor, would vanish in white light before reappearing already equipped to my body. Id open my door with a loud thud, my urgency increasing. Looking at the stair case I saw th very gem I lost, a blue cylinder transparent gem, that had a faint glowing property. Id run to reach for I but my urgency caused me to miss, tripping over the gem and tumbling down the spiral stair case with a serious of loud noises and thuds following each fall, the metal armor and great weight of my body being the contributing factors to the sound. Id continue to fall and tumble until a reached the bottom of the spire, hurdled against the wall.