Errr, just want to touch on something quickly, in case one of you tries to run me down on it at a later date. I'm going to allow for players to create "NPC" characters, that is to say, characters that belong to an NPC nation or faction that you are expecting to have dealings with. For example, I've got this guy: [hider=Galarg] [b]Character Name:[/b] Tall Ape Galarg, son of Galarn [b]Character Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character Race:[/b] Promethean, 1st Generation [b]Character Age:[/b] 21 [b]Character Appearance:[/b] Galarg is seven feet tall, with a powerfully built torso, and muscular yet lanky limbs. He is covered from head to toe in a light grey but short fur, though a few streaks of black spread out from the center of his back like a spider's web. Like all Prometheans, his facial features are flat, as if someone hit him with the good end of a shovel. Grey eyes peer out above a shallow nose, and a couple of white fangs protrude from thin lips. He wears a simple loin cloth, whether in battle or not, and carries a satchel of various goods that straps diagonally across his chest. [b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b] King of the Promethean Remnant [b]Character Background Info:[/b] The Prometheans are all but extinct; they number a few thousand, maybe even a few hundred - none can be entirely sure, for they have scattered into dozens of roaming family groups that haunt the ancient jungles of the former Promethean Empire, and rarely risk having themselves seen by outsiders. The Promethean Plague has mostly vanished from existence, now that there are so few victims for it to consume; however, the damage is done. There are simply not enough of the Ape People to form a feasible base of procreation, without ushering in generations of genetic imperfections. Yet still they live. Their days consist of hunting and feasting; their nights of hiding and mourning. They are a dead peoples, no thanks to the Scalethein Empire's actions over the last few centuries. They exist only through their warrior spirit, and their unbending will to live when only death can accomodate them. Under the cautious and wise guidance of Galarg, the Last King of the Prometheans, they have been able to live a rather peaceful existence - away from the multitude of hostiles that lay in wait for them beyond the jungle's bounds. If they are lucky, perhaps they will be allowed to go quietly into the night. Not so! For Galarg may be cautious, but like all Tall Apes before him, he is equally ambitious. He refuses to acknowledge that his people are on their death bed, and still dreams of glory. From his jungle refuge, he plots the future of the children he shall never have, of the future that has already been decided. [b]Other:[/b] Galarg and his peoples represent the last of the original Prometheans (lesser breeds/mixed breeds still exist elsewhere), and once he is gone, they will be irreversibly extinct. [/hider] I wanted to explore the final days of the Prometheans, and Bloodaxe's potential feelings towards an ancient warrior race that once ruled the [s]planet[/s] known world. To make things a bit less one-dimensional, I wanted a character with their own story. Any questions, then lemme know.