To create a character and submit it for review, just give me the basics in any format you want. Name, age, race, brief bio, psychological profile, etc. I'm not one for the pre-formatted character sheets, so a general synopsis that doesn't look like a dossier put together by a junior FBI agent is fine by me. [hr][h2]Cast and Crew[/h2][hr] [h3]Main Player Characters[/h3] [url=]Declan Calaway[/url], played by The Nebulous [url=]Zik[/url], played by Howler [url=]Abrax K'dom[/url], played by Zorogami [url=]Rosa Martinez[/url], played by DirtyDingo [url=]Errol Vahn[/url], played by Gowi [url=]Omus Vol[/url], played by Culluket [url=]Alexia Stone[/url], played by Exile0fErini [h3]Secondary Player Characters[/h3] [url=]Trishar Rayana[/url], played by The Nebulous [h3]NPCs and Supporting Characters[/h3] [url=]Ezra[/url], Supporting Character (The Nebulous)