As the dark giant that was Shayd closed in on his target, a chemical plant, as soon as he reached one specific crossroads near the entrance of the factory a horrible noise was heard. Not dissimilar to an explosion throwing metal fragments around, the source soon revealed itself as an odd circular portal grew at an angle above the center of the converged roads. Soon, the color and material could be made out of this serenely floating disc; it was a piece of perfectly made glass, speckled with various colored dots upon its black surface, akin to a view of deep space for all intents and purposes. It simply stood there above the ground as it slowly rotated on its own horizontal axis, until it stopped utterly. Immediately afterwards, frantic thumping could be heard with no discernible source, until a single metal fist blasted through the center of the glass vortex. A head popped out, two blue glowing eyes could be seen through an armored fully-enclosed helmet. This man, if it was one, landed with a thud as he broke through, shards of glass-like material losing all color and turning into regular glass as they fell. Landing on three points, the horrendous creature simply looked around itself in curiosity, seeing the stumped giant that was Shayd and apparently having a blast of clarity, if only for a moment, as it stood up halfway straight to bring out a single saber-like sword, engraved like a piece of damaged art. It yelled something in a sort of black speech, but everyone present that could hear it could just tell that it was something akin to, 'I am your [i]enemy[/i]!'. The creature then began to slowly walk counter-clockwise, yet still inching ever closer to the ebon giant as it finished processing the event that just unfolded. Wordlessly, Shayd started the fight proper, bluntly rushing towards the abyssal creature like a predator, hands ready to crush its head. The Knight simply side-stepped before impact, then went for Shayd's backside and quickly stabbed him there, the curved sword being used as a handhold so he could simply climb upon Shayd's back and start slashing away. A few decent cuts later and the Knight dodged another blow from Shayd to his own back, leaving his sword in apparently as an insult while he got out another, a smaller, straighter one. Shayd ripped out the curved sword with pain, but with his 'unique' physiology it wasn't as horrible of a wound getting in and out as it would be for anyone else. He asked this thing a question, a deep bass voice intrigued. "What... are you?", Shayd questioned, looking at the shards around them. The Knight didn't answer, still slowly prowling around Shayd in a circle. The two, strong warriors then resumed their quiet fight, watching eachother as they slowly rotated around a center point, until Shayd went in for another rush. Swinging the Knight's own curved sword, he actually managed to strike true. The Knight's entire left arm arced through the air, landing near a lamp post. Yet, Shayd found the Knight himself with his hand plunged into Shayd's right knee, his rapier exiting the other side. Ripping himself out with force, the gaping wound looked just as horrible as it was as Shayd was effectively immobilized, if only for a short while. As his leg recovered, the Knight simply walked to his own arm and sheathed his sword, before grabbing his limb and muttering in the same disgustingly foreign language. Holding his arm to its socket, meaty strings re-attached it before the two warriors' eyes. For once, the Knight spoke, a silky yet old tongue befitting a king or duke. "I hath conquered the formless steppes, have dined upon the souls of the ancient snow-drakes, and hath plunged into the abyss before taking its powers for mineself. I am an Emperor, an Overlord, and I shall do as my gods commanded in this world." He tested his fingers as his armor went and pulled itself together. "Mortal injuries art nothing to me, mine objectives shalt be reached. These lands will know a great peace and a golden age, even if I must bring it by force of arms." He then resumed his stance, low to the ground and ready to counter-attack. [hider=OOC Notes] Damn that's one hell of a starting post, I got really excited. Sorry! [/hider]