[b]Ariel[/b] Dzel tilted her head slowly toward the other direction as Ariel spoke. "Like I said... I'm not sure if your jacket survived [i]the incident[/i] if it has, it will be returned to you soon." Dzels voice was even and without judgment of the girl. "You remember yourself as riding your bike, in your old life, in the way things used to be. However, we found you unconscious and nearly dead. We found you among many, many of whom did [i]not[/i] make it through, many who seemed to come from nowhere, yet came from everywhere." Dzel shook her head, she did not like speaking in riddles, though it seemed in her nature. That is why she often chose not to speak instead. "I am not good at explaining things. If you wish... We are holding a meeting between you and others that were found at the site of the incident. Would you join me?" Dzel held out a hand toward Ariel, a gesture of good will and welcome. Her green eyes shifted from hues of emerald, to moss, to mustard greens, and back again... ~~~ [b]Herberts infirmary[/b] Twain looked up at XIII in alarm. "Woah cool down there champ... Herbert isn't suffering from Hypothermia... he's in death! Well, he isn't dead, [i]yet[/i]." His lips slowly curled back into a smile. "You know what? Forget what I said. Keep the heat on, brotha!" Twain put one hand on XII's ever-warmer wrist. "Our grandpa here, Herbert, he is \ [i]elsewhere[/i] whilst he is here. The place that he is... it is the coldest damn place you will ever experience. Trust me, eventually you [i]will[/i] experience it. However, unlike the 99.999% he can come back from it and into warmer weather... [i]If[/i] we are careful and [i]if[/i] we are clever! You keep up with that disco-inferno, burn bay-be-burn! Your going to be the light at the end of the tunnel." Twain didn't let go of XIII and kept his hand over Herbert's eyes. He closed his own. XIII would feel Twain become cold... yet... not so cold as Herbert...