[quote=@GreivousKhan] Interesting, oh look, first time I have seen Willy outside the arena. >.> Would a centaur race work in this setting? Assuming I join at least. [/quote]It would, we have even more weirder races at times. BTW, I am pretty much almost only active in this section. [quote=@Shorticus] Whoa. I may claim land now rather than later and just make my nation weeks from now. The map is filling fast. But that'd be rude to anyone who wanted to join after I staked the initial claim. ...g'dangit. [/quote]Just do it. It's better be safe than sorry. [quote=@Taeryn] Voicing interest, but that map is confusing AF. Eh, whilst I'm here, with fantasy and what not how crazy are we talking? EDIT: Probably will go for the largest island on the right of what is left, and the others that are not yet claimed unless you'd like to keep them free. Depends. [/quote]Mid-fantasy. No flying castles or magic as widespread common phenomenon. It exist, there are magic users in practically any nation but they aren't an obligatory part of the world. There are no alternate planes with agenda or physical gods directly interfering with mortals. You can have fantastical races, beasts or unique metals. A faint bit of clockpunk/dungeonpunk tech is also okay. Also I will include a list of nations associated with each color but as things go it seems we're going to run out of colors. Meaning I gotta make repetitions sooner or later. [quote=@Shorticus] About the map: While I don't feel ready to post a nation / claim yet, I'd be happy to use Paint dot Net with the GM's permission + copious use of Paint dot Net's layers system to make nations easier to distinguish. I.E: I'd put a thin, transparent layer of appropriate colors over everyone's nations if that's desirable. [/quote]Can other users really see that? Because if yes, then I might be able to do it. The problem is that I don't think most of us would put it into a photomanip program and check each layer. Still, I kindly accept your offer and see how you mean to accomplish this.