[quote=@GreivousKhan] Yes indeed, I plan on making a semi-nomadic realm made up of various tribes recently united. They're a centaur-like race called Eloians (basically centaurs) they shy from dealing with most other races beyond necessary trade. More recently, however, they have become more warlike and have started to raid neighboring regions more often. Probably due to a drought in their major migrating region. So possibly a harbinger to a forced migration gothic style depending on how things go. My question is what possible interactions our people might have had, if any, previously. Which should shape how we move forward IC. [/quote] Hmmm...they would probably have had border disputes since my land is lush with rivers, forests, and foothills. Though I feel like there'd be a split in my people. Some seeing the Eloians as good killing practice and fodder (but formidable) enemies and others having respect for their prowess as people.