Annnnnnnnnnnnnd the IC is now officially open. If you guys are all scaredy cats about posting first, then gimme an hour, and I'll have my first post up. Not entirely sure what format to use to keep every prim and proper, so don't feel the need to copy what I do, as I might change it as things progress. We'll start in ... Spring, shall we? The Spring of 500 A.E? That's what I'ma run with. After that, time will go into a free-fall kind of state; just avoid skipping ahead by months/years at a time or you'll break the Frengo-Time Continuum and the RP will collapse into itself, taking Shorticus with it, and reducing ZB to a pig-shark from the sixth dimension. Feel free to add characters as you go, that's what I'm going to do. Got my main peeps, but I imagine I'll need to add a few more as I go.