[center][h2]Krunk Fortress[/h2] [sub]oH MY GOD MY ARM.[/sub][/center] Zerraf's rapier and bullet struck home, not meeting much resistance at all as they made contact with two simultaneous 'tink' noises. The bomb exploded immediately afterwards, sending Zerraf's rapier flying away with the extensive force that it presented. Would it end up in [i]pieces?[/i] Who knew. The explosion was devastatingly powerful, if Zerraf's rapier wasn't up to snuff, it [i]would[/i] certainly end up as nothing more than scrap metal. Krink looked up in awe, extremely annoyed that his attack was halted without much effort. "MY BOMB!" He shouted, stamping the ground with his foot. Just then, Ainra's arrow pierced his right shoulder (Or whatever the hell was underneath that part of his round little body) and made him wince in pain. He pulled his right arm into his armor to clutch it, while his left arm went limp. "OW, FUCK" Following this, the Golden bomb heading for Ainra exploded near where she was initially standing, tearing the ground to shreds and sending dirt flying across the battlefield. Jenso's flame wave heated up the little metal men, and dissuaded them from getting any closer to him. several of them bounced around on both feet, trying to cool themselves off, but they didn't do a very good job. Several ran towards the water, and jumped in with loud [i]hiss[/i] sounds as their armor cooled off. Alexander's attempts to attack the krunklets were for naught, their armor made it excessively difficult to even harm them with a sharp weapon without aiming for the most vulnerable sections around their arms and legs. He did however knock them around like little [i]toys[/i] using his advantageous height and strength. Ultimately, the path between Krink and the party of attackers was cleared, leaving only about 10 or 15 krunklets and a couple krunklites to defend his position at the edge of the path leading into Krunk fortress. "Y-y-y-you stay back! Or you'll be sorry!" Krink shouted, pointing at them with his little hand shaking, "You'll be SO sorry! LORD KRUNK WILL SMASH YOU!"