It does look like we're locked in as partners with this, if you'd like me to create an OOC for us, I'm happy to do so. And sorry about the delay, when I got on yesterday, I didn't have the strength or fortitude to sit down and write a wall of text. Eheheh but here ya go! - I would say earth-like but cities and towns wouldn't be as close together, so the same size but the distribution of population to be different and more sparse. I do think seasons moving more quickly would be a good change, something unexpected. - And the "heroes" being outside of any reincarnation cycle, is probably best. And to have the blossoms contain magic is a good idea, I like that. And the idea of weather being tied to magic is one I'm fine with rolling with. I like the idea of our weather, having a tie to the weather or magic in the fantasy world. I do think at this point, we may need to name the fantasy world just to make talking about it, less wordy. I'd propose something like "Thera" or "Rathe" since they're different anagrams of the word 'earth' [indent]I do think in terms of weather, it's something we may need to save for technical aspects, come our OOC. I think we'll have to make a good organization of all the information and other aspects which will be easier to do once we migrate to a concrete thread. So for now, we may need to stick to the basics/things we need to know now, rather than work on embellishing elements. So don't think I'm trying to push your idea aside or anything. XD[/indent] - Yeah, I don't think either one of us want to deal with too much complex reasoning behind the transition from one world so just saying that it takes care of clothes, any translation need, etc is perfectly fine with me. I would rather us focus on exploration than trying to muddle through new cultures, when we can explore them without it being clunky or awkward with say, a wardrobe change when it's something we already covered when they we swept away. So I think we're on the same page there. - THE GREATER GOOD. [indent]Ahem. But I do think our "heroes" shouldn't be the only ones to pass freely within the guise of the cherry blossoms. I do like the idea of them being random but 'triggered' by our heroes. I do think it would be interesting to bring other characters in later, who can manipulate/trigger the cherry trees themselves to allow them to go and forth more freely, showing they have a better understanding of the magic's dynamics. I think another aspect of the story is going to be the heroes discovering why they have a trait and where they fit into the fantasy world with its magic.[/indent] - I do like magic and technology contrasting each other and even competing. I think considering them to be opposing factors is a good angle and something I'm going for. We clearly know there's a delicate balance between both magic and technology and what each does to the land in question. You know each has positive/negative reaction. So the singularity you proposed, you're just thinking of a catastrophic event as opposed to say AI gaining some kind of sentient control right? I think with both 'energies' (if you will) being contained to a single world instead of being distributed evenly in two worlds, would end up building and ultimately bringing some serious consequences. - Some images: [indent][url=]Image 1[/url] [url=]Image 2[/url] [url=]Image 3[/url] [url=]Image 4[/url] [url=]Image 5[/url] [url=]Image 6[/url] [url=]Image 7[/url] [url=]Image 8[/url] [url=]Image 9[/url] [url=]Image 10[/url][/indent] - You know it might be fun to sort of shift focus like the way books do with chapters. Maybe there's three major groups. The heroes, the good faction and the bad guys? We could maybe alternate between the three (or two, depending on what we decide). Maybe we'd be able to keep things moving so that when different sides to connect, we're able to have a bigger impact in terms of development. I feel like with this, we can just keep the bad guys on the back burner. - I may just end up getting carried away with a post but since this is pretty complicated (more than I was intending to bite off but that's fine because doing extensive fantasy RPs, isn't something I've done in ages and they can very rewarding) I'd hate for us to just get bogged down in something and have our posts be something we struggle with. So I guess it depends on our focus but I see this as something needing a lot of detail and that we don't need to push every post to the limit since we can keep revealing information as we go. I had a bad habit of trying to shove all the technical stuff into one post and it ended up being like 10-12 paragraphs and while it was fun, it became a little tiring after a while you know? - My intention was to sort of ensure both worlds don't get forgotten. I know the fantasy world is going to hold some precedent but I would hate for our characters to just stop trying to back to the earth they know and love. As you brought up, there's going to homesickness and if their lives are on the line, they're surely going to want to return home every now and then and I'd like to be able to balance that struggle of two worlds. I don't want our modern day earth to be tossed aside, I think it should have some use in the story/plot and the characters. [indent]I know it would be a stretch and i'm not proposing they go back and forth frequently but I do think it would be fun to have the contrast of technology and magic brought up again, upon their return. I suppose I'm saying I'd like the earth side of things to have a purpose, say there's some kind of quest or mission that needs handling in the modern world, I do suspect those people there who are aware of the dual world, would need to be dealt with eventually. It would be fair to say the evil organization (we can assume from either world) would want to use their loved ones in modern-day earth, to their advantage. I do think that sort of twist would be a good one to use, as cliche as it these days, it's got impact for a reason. Well if we want the weather to be more frequent than it is for us normally. The fantasy world could have their weather change four times as fast. So for instance, they have 3 falls, 3 winters, 3 springs, 3 summers. And to correlate that to our timeline...for example (and I use the normal months for the sake of simplicity) it's: Modern day earth: Aug (fall months) Sep Oct Nov (winter) Dec Jan Feb (spring) Mar Apr May (summer) June July Well my math sucks and I'm sure I'm losing you here so I'll try to explain it better. My thought process is that when we have one month (because cherry tree only bloom for a short period of time) four months of weather have already passed. Or something like that. I know that's a bit much but we could say that in the fantasy world, cherry trees bloom any other time than when ours do in our world? No, that probably won't work. I'm overthinking things I think. Hmm...Maybe it has to be a cloudless day or something? I know we might want to have some particulars by they do need to be achieved by one side of the world, not both worlds. Ahh...maybe we're making this bit overly complicated? If there is magic in the trees, we could say that those close to it, will enable them to bloom even out of season? Ah I dunno. >__<'[/indent]