[@midnightt] (Midnight's character) Name: Alicia Rose Age: 18 Miester or Weapon?: Weapon [hider=Weapon] Dragonic Lance linked by a black steel chain to a great shield. The lance has fire-like properties. Difficult to wield properly due to the size, and awkward connection to the two equipments. [/hider] [hider=Bio] An rich girl from a wealthy Australian family that was recently accepted to the school, Alicia was partnered with Drake. They immediately became great friends, and even go as far as casually side chatting in the midst of fighting. Alicia is typically hot-headed, especially when shes around Drake. She constantly teases (or scolds) her miester, and is devoted to his endeavors just as much as she is to her own. [/hider] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/7142/f/2012/088/3/a/mitsuru_smiling_with_eyes_open_by_mediaman44-d4ub9fa.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Weapon Appearance] Lance: [img]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/crimson-knight-s-dragon-lance-1/CrimsonKnight'sDragonLanceN.png [/img] Shield: [img]http://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/file/view/Havel's%20Greatshield.png/535781582/Havel's%20Greatshield.png[/img] [/hider] [@dragonmancer] (Dragonmancer's char Name: Drake Alexander Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapon or Miester?: Miester [hider=Ability] Draconic armor- Attuning with Alicia even further unlocks Draconic armor, which allows a firey aura to take shape over Drake. The burning aura doesn't burn the wielder, a plated armor suit forming over him, and a pair of wings and a tail will form out of the same fire. Other dragon-like features will occur on the user, and this boosts overall physical attributes as well as adding flight and more potential fire power. The form lasts for only 2 minutes and can only be used as a last resort as after it wears off the miester will pass out. [/hider] [hider=Bio] An American orphan who was obssessed with reading books of midieval tales, Drake, while doesn't look like the sort, loves the idea of knighthood and chivalry. While he doesn't dress like it he fantasizes of being a shining knight, and dreams of one day owning his very own suit of armor. He has a kind hearted attitude and loves to be chivalrous, especially towards females (which is another reason why Alicia scolds him). Despite this he tends to have a carefree, almost lazy attitude when he isn't on a mission and tends to slack off and day dream. He also loves to tell tall tales, like how he got his scars on his face (It was by a cat, but ofcourse he tells a different story.) [/hider] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i606.photobucket.com/albums/tt149/JakeTheSnake_Orochimaru/Boy.jpg[/img] [/hider]