[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lucas%20Channing&name=HelvetiHand.ttf&size=65&style_color=CCA508[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=The%20Young%20Wolf&name=HelvetiHand.ttf&size=65&style_color=CCA508[/img] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mazfimm51X1qkdght.gif[/img] [color=gold] [h3][i][b]~General Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Name (Earth):[/b] Lucas Channing [b]Other Names (Fairy Tale World):[/b] The Young Wolf, [b]Real Name (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Adam de Merrimon [b]Occupation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Prince of Lupinis [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Lupinis [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Affiliation (Fairy Tale World):[/b] Lawful Good - Lucas believes in doing what's right, within reason. Helping others, and making the world a better place drive him forward. [b]Appearance - Thirteen Years Ago (7 Years Old):[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/27/3f/cd/273fcd1eec617907935353103d2f2a18.jpg[/img] [b]Appearance - Earth (20 Years Old):[/b] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mazht7IJ6j1qkdght.gif[/img] [b]Wardrobe Style (Earth):[/b] [i]Lucas dresses in rather preppy clothing. He did get into Yale on a scholarship after all. He likes to wear sweaters over button up shirts and khakis with oxfords. In other words, he dresses a bit pretentiously, and you almost expect him to throw money at you. He prefers dark blues to any other colors, but he does find gold to be a good accent.[/i] [h3][i][b]~Relationship Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single [b]Partner:[/b] None Currently [b]Father:[/b] [url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/ba7c5d592600c097f8955ab20ace00a3/tumblr_mqy81uKxaE1swwx3co2_250.png]King Henri de Merrimon[/url] - Deceased [b]Mother:[/b] [url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/b18e6a2bdb58a000bfd0c8618a25df89/tumblr_nlgoukoZf11swwx3co3_250.png]Queen Lillian de Merrimon[/url] - Deceased [b]Siblings:[/b] None [b]Pet/s:[/b] None [hider=Detailed Relationships] TBW [/hider] [h3][i][b]~Personal Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Personality:[/b] It's very hard to hate Lucas Channing. He's kind, charitable, and brave. He cares very deeply about everyone he meets and he has a strong hatred for those who would do the world harm. He loves to help others though, and spends a lot of his free time at the local homeless shelter, dishing out food and what not. All of his friends would call him a great guy, the kind who puts his own needs on the back burner for others, although this can leave him feeling quite stressed out. Lucas tends to internalize his pain, never letting people know when he's sad or angry. As such, he's prone to bouts of explosive rage at times, when he finally lets all of his emotions out. He's also blindly loyal, often too trusting of those he believes to be good, never stopping to think that someone might possibly want to betray him. [b]Strengths:[/b] Lucas is quite strong and extremely intelligent. His good looks often work to his advantage as well, and they along with his silver tongue, get many people to like him. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] His explosive rage and compulsion to keep things buried can be seen as weaknesses, as is his instinct to see good in everyone. [b]Magic Capabilities:[/b] Unbeknownst to him, Lucas comes from a long line of people who were cursed to turn into beasts every full moon. His father and mother were both creatures like this, and so was most of Lupinis. While he hasn't been able to turn on Earth, due to the lack of magic, going back to Fairy Tale World may reactivate the curse, forcing him to learn to control it. [url=http://dark.pozadia.org/images/wallpapers/95241567/Werewolf/Werewolf%20attack%20jump.jpg]Wolf Form[/url] [b]Weapons:[/b] None currently. [b]Brief Biography (Life In The Fairy Tale World):[/b] Raised in comfort for the beginning of his life, Lucas, then Prince Adam, had a rather happy childhood. His parents doted on him, giving him the finest clothes and the most majestic of horses. He had no clue, that he lived in a land of werewolves, a land that the Dark Queen would soon want to destroy. When Adam was seven, the Dark Queen attacked Lupinis, after her conquest of the neighboring Province. With the Le Gumes in power, Lupinis was destroyed, it's people slaughtered for being beasts. Before his parents were killed, they put Adam through a portal, and told him that they loved him very much. There were many tears shed that day but he went through the portal anyways, fearful of what might happen if he didn't. [b]Brief Biography (Life On Earth):[/b] On Earth, he was brought to an orphanage and given a new name, Lucas, because he couldn't remember his old one. His parents faded to a distant memory, a recurring dream he'd have but brush off. He was adopted soon after arriving on Earth, by a wealthy couple who liked to frequent country clubs and play golf. His adoptive father was the CEO of a large company, Channing Technology, and his mother was an heiress to her own fortune, so the boy was still treated to the finer things in life. Lucas would go on to excel in school and at football, and this would get him a scholarship to the very prestigious Yale University, where he currently attends school. Despite his seemingly perfect life, the recurring dream of the parents he never truly got to know still haunts him, and he longs to find out who the fuzzy figures in his dream really are, to find the birth parents that he never knew. [h3][i][b]~Other Information~[/b][/i][/h3] [b]Other:[/b] N/A [h3][i][b]~Theme Song~[/b][/i][/h3] "[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSGbOmW4AjI]I'm Not Your Hero[/url]" By Tegan and Sara [/color] [/center]